Friday, 10 October 2014

The Giving Tree

I heard of this author called Shel Silverstein who looks quite scary in a book I was reading.

I had read that Shel Silverstein wrote a book called The Giving Tree.
My mother showed me a video of the whole book. 
The Giving Tree is about a small boy who played with the tree while he was small and was cheerful and happy and laughing. After he grew up, he didn't play with the tree anymore and he was always sad and always wanted other things like money, a family, a house...
Soon, he grows up and he asks the tree if he has money, but the tree said he didn't have money, but told the boy "Sell my apples and get money."
After everything, when the boy grows old, he needs a place to rest, and the tree had nothing left. He had given the boy his apples, branches, and even his trunk.
The tree says "I have nothing left. You can't swing on my branches or eat my apples or climb my trunk."

I felt sad for the tree as it gave everything of itself and this book shows the greed of humans and how nature is destroyed. 
You can click here to by the book.

Monday, 6 October 2014


Today I finished making my flip-art. Flip art is a kind of animation in which you draw two parts of the action, and flip it to make it look like it is really moving. I learned this animation from my favorite comic book called Captain Underpants! I got inspired by this. You can use it for anything. I mean you can draw anything in this way.
You can even draw things in slow motion using many pages instead of just two. To teach children how plants grow, you can draw all the stages of a plant and show it like a movie! You can even make a whole movie.
That is how old cartoons shows like Mickey Mouse, were first made.

I may make a bigger flip book, so keep checking my blog, and you will see it when it is ready!